There are 3 components to a website hosting solution. It's very important to realize that each of these components can reside on completely different services and locations.
This is the company where you purchase your domain name. Companies such as GoDaddy, and Network Solutions will register your domain name so that you can host your website. When you pick a domain name from GoDaddy they will temporarily "park" or host your domain name on their servers until you tell them otherwise.
Name Server
A name server is used to control all of the DNS settings for your domain. Name servers typically look like NS1.{COMPANY}.COM. There are always 2 name servers. When you buy a domain name your name servers point to the same company where you bought your domain. So if you buy from GoDaddy your name servers will be NS1.DOMAINCONTROL.COM and NS2.DOMAINCONTROL.COM.
It's standard practice to capitalize your name servers but I have no idea why.
DNS Settings
Your name server is broken down into DNS settings. These settings tell visitors where to find your website, your email server and your FTP server. DNS settings are typically comprised of A records and CNAME records.
How does this affect me?
When we first consult with a client they typically know where their website is hosted but don't know much about name servers and DNS settings. You can actually have all three of these components hosted with completely separate companies though it's more common to have your Registrar and Name Server in one location and your DNS settings in another - typically with your website.
If you don't have access to each of these pieces it's difficult for us to help move or maintain your site. We will work with you to find all of these items so that we can provide the best possible solution for your needs.
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