Before getting started, ensure you have the correct password by signing in to your mailbox from a web browser (preferably on a laptop or desktop computer).
1. Verify you username and password
- Visit
- Enter your full email address in the Login (email) box
- Enter your password in the Password box
- Click the LOGIN button
If it worked, please move on to the next step. Otherwise, click the "Forgot password?" link to reset your password.
If you have trouble with two-factor authentication while resetting your password, please contact support and they will reset your password for you. Include a phone number where we can text you a security code and an alternate email address (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, iCloud, Proton).
2. Delete your mailbox
Use these instructions to delete your mailbox from your iOS device:
3. Add your mailbox
Read these instructions to add your mailbox to your iOS device:
Type: IMAP (do not select POP/POP3)
Server: {varies; check your welcome email for this pattern ""}
Incoming Port: 993 (use SSL, not STARTTLS)
Outgoing Port: 587 (use STARTTLS, not SSL)
Source: Add and remove email accounts on iPhone
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